You’re reading entries in the Category: Ventures Turns One Turns One

I am a stickler for remembering what happened to me exactly one year ago, and if need be, the year before that, the year before that, and so on. Case in point: September 28. Last year, particularly last November 22, officially resolved to the Filcode nameservers and appeared on the web. (Not for the first time, though.) Perpetually in Pre-Release (That’s one of the taglines I made for Qwerky.) […]

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Kudos for Qwerky!

Technopinoy Dis(cus)ses Eskwela The Philippine tech blog scene has started to comment on Eskwela. Technopinoy wasn’t too impressed by it, but a holler over to Qwerky makes me grateful nonetheless: As one has to be “invited” to signup, I can’t really comment on Eskwela’s functionality. Qwerky provides a more in-depth look, much much more than what Inquirer provided. Dashmedia is Live Mike Villar has just announced that Dashmedia, perhaps a […]

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Digg This: Firefox 2.0 Will Be Released on October 24

What the title says. And, because I’m feeling extra-generous, here are some more noteworthy articles to digg: In 10 years all the software available will be free. Of course. Amazing online organizer. Amazing UI indeed. Touchscreen iPod this December. Let’s see about that. iPod Nano commercial light streaks. Good to go.

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Paypal Now in the Philippines!

With its signature campaign at nearly 1,500 names, JAngelo‘s initiative of bringing Paypal to the Philippines has finally become a reality. Philippine accounts can only send money right now, but it’s a good start. Good job, J, and to everyone else who helped out! (Coughs violently) The details are in the latest blog entry of the site. Sign up already if you haven’t (and oks this story too).

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I reviewed Eskwela on Qwerky. I’m not too thrilled that they chose “eskwela” over “paaralan” but maybe it seemed a lot more catchy and a lot less “formal”. (Why do ordinary Philippine words always sound “deep” and “formal”? Is it because we are not as used to speaking in perfectly straight Filipino anymore?) It’s not all nitpicking, I promise! I’m doing this for the free T-shirt I asked for if […]

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September 28 marked the birth of my new baby, whom I have christened Risk. I was toying with that name in my mind for a while now, but never imagined how apt it would be for my new notebook. Yes, the 28th. Aside from the September 28 being a somewhat extraordinary date to me (again, Happy Birthday, Egay!, but no, it has nothing to do with her birthday!), we set […]

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Demospongiae = Nostalgia + Spinelessness. Don’t ask. Turn to the next page for a prologue. Spinelessness The other day I was listening to stories of my mom opposing the RGEP’s rushed implementation (it was first applied to our freshman batch). The reasons were numerous, but among them were how this was a major experiment they would be applying to us, the students-slash-guinea-pigs. That the program should also require certain subjects […]

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“I’m not here.” How many times have I written that elsewhere? Not this time. Not here. Feel free to look around the Portfolio for a list of recent things I’ve been with/in/about/for and Network for even more hyperlinked goodness, especially ones we advocate crazily! Also, this lengthy bit about the site will have to do as an introduction. This is Ia, now signing on. And off!

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Design × Code × Words for a better Web,
made in the Philippines by Sophia Lucero.