You’re reading entries in the Category: Ventures



Few countries come close to how I felt about Japan once I returned from it.

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Macau is, for the most part, split between its colonial past on Taipa, and its extravagant future on Cotai.

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Beijing: Downtown

Beijing: Downtown

For the less temple-y adventures in Beijing we checked out the zoo, olympic park, silk museum, tea shop, and hutong village.

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<form> function() & .class 6 web design conference 2015

Form Function & Class 6 web design conference

This year’s FFC6 turns last year’s theme on its head and focuses on the “evils” and “villains” in design that need to be eliminated, all while sporting a new logo and original typeface. Design may be super-hot right now, but a lot of misconceptions and bad habits remain, so FFC6 is our battlecry to rally against those things in a sort of Rebel Alliance-y, Mockingjay-esque fashion. If you believe in […]

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Design × Code × Words for a better Web,
made in the Philippines by Sophia Lucero.