Kudos for Qwerky!

Technopinoy Dis(cus)ses Eskwela

The Philippine tech blog scene has started to comment on Eskwela. Technopinoy wasn’t too impressed by it, but a holler over to Qwerky makes me grateful nonetheless:

As one has to be “invited” to signup, I can’t really comment on Eskwela’s functionality. Qwerky provides a more in-depth look, much much more than what Inquirer provided.

Dashmedia is Live

Mike Villar has just announced that Dashmedia, perhaps a local 9rules in its infancy, has officially launched. About a month ago, I tried entering Qwerky just for the heck of it, and ended up being on their shortlist of chosen blogs.

I was surprised that Qwerky somehow got in, as it seems to be sticking out like a sore thumb in terms of the “type” of blogs that surround it. However, I am pleased that Dashmedia cited Qwerky for its, shall we say, innovativeness:

Take for instance Qwerky, one of the blogs included in the pioneer batch of blogs we are including in the network: There’s an assload of sites out there which talk about Web 2.0 but exactly how many sites are out there that actually analyze the etymology of Web 2.0 web app names?

I think the “differentness” of Qwerky is also a sign that people in the Philippines may talk about tech things and stick to blogging about it as much as they can, but filterblogs—much less ones that are not techie—remain rare. I’m very thankful Prof. Manalo introduced us to it and kept pushing us to post no less than fifty entries in thirty days. I wonder about the feasibility of a filterblog network here.

Dashmedia said it would open another round of submissions this November.

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made in the Philippines by Sophia Lucero.