Beijing: Downtown

For the less temple-y adventures in Beijing we checked out the zoo, olympic park, silk museum, tea shop, and hutong village.

Beijing Zoo

The pandas were the main attraction of course, so here’s one in “I’m so stuffed, IDGAF” mode:


Olympic Green

The sprawling site of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics which was quite daunting to walk all the way through. This is the Beijing National Stadium aka the Bird’s Nest:

Bird's Nest

And the Beijing National Aquatics Center aka the Water Cube:

Water Cube

One of the sculptures in the park:

Beijing Olympic Park sculpture

The dragon building seen in the distance:

Dragon building

Silk Museum

Chinese silk is quintessential and in this place you’ll see how they’re spun from the silkworm cocoons to blankets, clothing, tapestries, and other goods.


Silk factory

Silk factory

Tea Shop

Every imaginable shape and size of tea, you’ll find here. Where large means as tall as a person, cups are dainty, and flavors range from flowery to fruity.

Tea Shop

Tea Shop

Tea Shop

Hutong Village

The equivalent of “eskinita” or narrow alleyway, hutong has now come to mean the traditional neighborhoods joined by multiple courtyard-style homes. We shared lunch in one of the residents’ houses, and it felt just like home.


Beijing rickshaws

Wall of warriors

More photos here.

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