Form Function & Class 8 web design conference 2017

The 8th Form Function & Class conference will be held on September 16, 2017 at The Globe Tower in Taguig—it’s one day only, so don’t miss it!

Every year we seem to modify our event format and one configuration we haven’t tried is doing both plenary talks and multi-track workshops in just one day. We’ve gotten feedback of information overload despite having around only 6-7 talks, so we’re trying something that gives attendees more room to breathe and absorb the sessions. (No Masterclass this year, but we’re already laying the groundwork for that next year. It’ll be awesome.)

Since we’ve been using the new FFC brand for a while in both our big and small events, we decided that for this year we’d push for a specific theme that’s different enough from the base identity, but still using our beloved shapes and typography. (Can you guess what it is?) Rock is responsible for the new visual language, while I worked on implementing the website (look ma, still no core JS!), which was continued by Drei. I’m still on social media and sponsorships, while Kit is overall head of production.


Form Function & Class 8 speakers

Morning Sessions

  • Typography by Aceler Chua
  • Branding by Russell Vergara
  • Say No To Cookie Cutter Web Layouts by Hui Jing Chen
  • User Experience by Madhura Chavan

Afternoon Sessions

  • Product Interface & Design Workshop by Angela & B Tuban
  • Javascript Web Applications by Chris Lienert
  • Web Animation by Lindsey & Gab Madrid
  • Business of Design by John Paul de Guzman

Introducing Scholarships

We’re never in short supply of ticket promos & discounts, but this is one of the best things to happen to FFC so far: scholarship tickets thanks to the generous folks who offered to sponsor tickets so people who can’t afford to go but really want to attend. As of writing, we’ve gotten support from FFC6 speaker James Cabrera, Ericson Luciano, and Apical Design. We’ve also seen this phenomenon happen in other local conferences like UXPH and JuniorFFC, and it’s that proactive support from the community, for the community that makes it even more amazing.

Plus, FFC Videos!

Our YouTube channel is more active than ever, not only with FFC and MiniFFC videos, but interviews of speakers, members, and conference attendees edited by James.

If there’s one thing we definitely need more of, it’s documentation. And it was great getting self-recorded videos from our previous speakers, even from the other side of the world.

Form Function & Class 8 web design conference

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Design × Code × Words for a better Web,
made in the Philippines by Sophia Lucero.