I’d like to thank everyone who organized, sponsored, and attended our first Mini Web Design Conference, last October 30. I can’t believe our fledgling group (kudos to Mae, Marie, JP, Helga, Aja, Regnard, Sarah, Kaffee!) pulled off something like it, and that there were other people who were excited about supporting the event.
It’s finally happening! Things are taking shape! And this mini conference is the first step. But first, a recap:
We had a good number of speakers that night, who covered a wide range of topics, all necessary knowledge for aspiring and practicing web designers. Here’s what they talked about:
- Philippine Laws Supporting Web Accessibility by Jojo Esposa
- Phi: golden ratio on the web by Rico Sta. Cruz
- Resolving Resolutions by Regnard Raquedan
- Alternatives to HTML deprecated features by Aja Lapus
- Interaction design by Rey Mendoza
- Building Successful User Interfaces by Marco Palinar
Will update this list as the presentations are uploaded. Download all the files here. Watch the recorded stream here.
Our crowd was also diverse, and they were appreciative of our efforts. We’re especially grateful that our differently-abled guests spent time and effort to attend the event. (More on that here.)
If you attended the event, please answer this survey so that we can figure out how to improve the succeeding conferences, especially the big one.
The event would not have been a success without our generous sponsors. We had overflowing food and drinks thanks to Syndeomedia Labs, dotPH, and Pinoy Web Startup; while our venue was provided by Global Gateway Venture Capital (G2VC).
The Big Picture
What started out as a wish to hold the first web design conference in the Philippines grew into a larger, more serious effort to bring web professionals together. We’re registering the Philippine Web Designers Organization (PWDO) at the SEC, planning the big event (to be held tentatively in April 2009), and pushing for more mini conferences in the coming months. We hope you can support us in any way possible.
Until next time!