You’re reading entries in the Tag: Travel



Few countries come close to how I felt about Japan once I returned from it.

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Macau is, for the most part, split between its colonial past on Taipa, and its extravagant future on Cotai.

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Beijing: Downtown

Beijing: Downtown

For the less temple-y adventures in Beijing we checked out the zoo, olympic park, silk museum, tea shop, and hutong village.

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Beijing: Mutianyu

Beijing: Mutianyu

Like Seoul, Beijing gave me the “I can’t believe I got here” feels. Another round of visa requirements conquered (with more pains going through Philippine red tape than the Chinese embassy) but more importantly: it’s stepping foot in China. Massive, historic China. It appears a single post is not enough given how many photos I took, so here’s part one.

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I don’t have many words for Bangkok; the city streets were much like the ones we know and love, while the sights were majestic. Here’s an abridged collection of photos from that trip (the rest are on Flickr)—way back in 2011, has it been that long?

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Tonkatsu Soup

Seoul was hot and rainy like the Philippines, but that’s where the similarities end. You will feel the the modernity and the affluence of a first world country. You will wonder how its residents keep their skin so white despite the scorching sun and having no qualms about walking up, down, everywhere. You will wish you understood Korean (thank goodness for calculators and electronic dictionaries).

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Christmas lights! Shopping malls! Spicy food! White tigers! Polar bears! Penguins! Hi-tech attractions! Gravity-defying rides! And the mythical Merlion! It’s Singapore in pictures:

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